Friday 27 July 2012

Will anyone bother to watch the Paralympics 2012?

So 27 July 2012 is expected to have a great opening show for the London Olympics. Big Deal!

When do the Paralympics start? Anyone know? Anyone care?

(Before anyone comments, it runs from 29 August to 09 September 2012)

As the blog title asks, after the razzmatazz of the 2012 London Olympics how many devotees will stick around for the 2012 London Paralympics?   

Will BBC1 devote a whole night to the  opening of the 2012 London Paralympics?

On a side note, the Fire fox spelling checker does not like the word paralympics and prefers paralytics. Is that how the disabled are still seen? Even Google blogs do not recognise the word Paralympics

Why are we tacked on the end as an after thought? Why is the Paralympics flame not going around the UK? As it stands, it comes across as lets allow the normal people to play first, and when they have gone home, we might let you out to play for a bit.

The disabled still face discrimination in spite of the Disability Discrimination act and for those with mobility issues, some places are still not accessible. The DDA as we call it was supposed to bring in better equality for the disabled, but for some that is not the case.The practise of Olympics first and then the Paralympics afterwards when most people head off home, seems to somehow highlight this discrimination

The organisers missed a trick with these games. How difficult would it have been to have integrated both Olympics and Paralympics and run them at the same time. Olympic events with Paralympic events in one mega tournament. That for me would be a step towards true equality of opportunity

Will we ever see that?

Somehow I don't hold out much hope for that nor am I holding my breath. What would be a start would be for someone to update the spell checkers to allow the word Paralympics at least?